Women's Ministries




Women’s Ministries 

Welcome to the Women’s Ministries Department.  This is where you will find information, motivation and resources for women of all age groups, ethnicities and backgrounds.


Every Woman Called by God To Ministry and To Serve.


To win everyone through ministry and keep them through service.


The NEC Women’s Ministries Department seeks to encourage, nurture, enable and train women of all ages to grow in Christ and reach others for Christ Jesus. It will do so through training, seminars, workshops, life coaching, mentoring, preaching and teaching women and young women to realise their full potential and grow spiritually stronger in the Lord.  The Women’s Ministries will also be promoting and supporting women to get involved in ministry such as giving Bible studies, leading Scripture focussed prayer and engaging in acts of Christian service in our churches and local communities so as to fulfil the NEC goal of ‘nurturing’ and ‘winning’ souls for the Kingdom. Women’s Ministries will also address some of the issues that women face and seek to help them through those difficulties; such as abuse, threats to health – physical and emotional, the need for mentoring, Discipling, life coaching and personal and spiritual development needs. This work is done with a team of Area Coordinators and a Team of Women’s Ministries leaders in the local churches.

Women Goals Image


Women’s International Day of Prayer

Women Together Conference

Abuse Awareness Day

Single Women Symposium

Women and Parenting Conference

Young Women’s Convention

Women’s Ministries Retreat

Women’s Prayer Breakfast

Women’s Ministries Evangelism Campaign

Women’s Ministries GC Emphasis Days

Women’s Ministries Days


Leadership Training

Discipleship Training

Mentoring Training

Life-Coach Training

Teacher Training

Personal Development Training

Spiritual Development Training

Bible Study Skills Training

Lay Preacher Training


There are a range of resources that have been developed and are being developed in Women’s Ministries.

We have a wide range from our BUC Director Sharon Platt-Macdonald

Women of Virtue Book

Small Books on life issues and health

Book markers, Post cards

The Women’s Ministries department also have developed a range of resources to support and equip our local teams and members


Women’s Ministries Leaders Pack

Area Coordinators Pack

Women’s Ministry Pack





WOMEN: Attend the programmes, meetings, seminars, special days, training etc. and seek to know what God wants women to do in the ministry and how you can grow spiritually and be of service to the church.  Seek to be a witness to others by sharing what you have learnt and have come to understand.

VOLUNTEER: Become a Women’s Ministries team member, assistant leader, trainer, mentor

IDEAS: let us know your ideas for Women’s Ministries and we can together make them happen.